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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Two groups of people who are worth talking with, older people and children. The former group is due to precious experiences they have which never could be find elsewhere. The later is for they are innocent, free from bad thoughts and selfishness. Chatting with coevals would just make me having too much jokes with not so much benefits as the two groups before.

Future is one of the most creepy thing in this world. Everybody wants to know what is in front of them in the next 10 or 20 years. The service of tukang tilik which was(I am not sure today) very famous among Malay emphasizes the fact that everybody wants to know their future. Nobody really cares a lot as regard their past history compared to what is in front of them because they could not change it. 

Each time thinking and discussing about future, my plan always changes, not because I am hesitated yet due to refinement of understanding from time to time. Of course it is quite horrible and painful when I have to admit that society's interest should take the upper hand over personal interest. The more I be with this blessed Jamaah the more personal interest I need to put away.

What should I be after graduating? Do I need to further speciality? If it is what should it be?

The discussion is not a one-off session. It is a multiple session involving not just one murabbi but more than that. But the first prequisite is to always be ready for any unexpected circumstances that might happen. Ah, that is the most back breaking part!


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