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Language Barrier?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Being a medical student is really amusing. Getting know about human bodies is one of the best things I ever experience in life. No wonder Al-Imam As-Syafie claimed medicine as one of the most important branches of knowledge. In fact, advancement of medical care is always associated with better development of a country as it serves better quality of life.

Medical practitioners deal directly with human being. They talk, communicate, touch, examine and even open human bodies. Communication is inevitable, it is a part of daily routines, so as improving communication is obliged for every medical practitioners especially doctors. A medical student who does not give reasonable effort to improve communication skills cannot be accepted. It is completely unethical to touch someone, especially involving private areas, when the patient is not feeling comfortable with the doctor. The patient has no choice that he needs to be examined but the doctor should make the patient feels not being forced or like having no choice.

Egyptian patients are very patience, indeed. They can bear answering questions from non-Arabic speakers, which are partially understood, without complaining much. Sometimes, it is me who being annoyed with the questions. Not everyone has the capability to communicate well, especially in foreign laguange. It is not impossible, however, to improve with frequent continuous practice. The language is secondary. The main reason of lack of communication is not acknowledging the things that are needed to be asked. If we do not know from the first place what to be asked in sequence, how should we proceed, then?

Being a language enthusiast, I really concern good communication and information delivery.


  1. Being able to communicate well and effectively in a foreign language is quite challenging for some people. The simplest thing we can do is to simply offer them help ✌🏻

  2. True. Help and encourage them to TRY. Some are even scared to try asking. Scared to attend lectures in Arabic. I'm sad that we make this barrier a big unsurmountable one. One that prevents us from attaining knowledge. Sedih bila budak Arab xnak mai lectures yg Dr ckp English. Sbb depa xpaham English and kita xbg Dr cakap Arab, even mix.

  3. True. Help and encourage them to TRY. Some are even scared to try asking. Scared to attend lectures in Arabic. I'm sad that we make this barrier a big unsurmountable one. One that prevents us from attaining knowledge. Sedih bila budak Arab xnak mai lectures yg Dr ckp English. Sbb depa xpaham English and kita xbg Dr cakap Arab, even mix.


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