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We Are Believers

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Muslim and non-muslim are truly different. The muslims believe in the hereafter. It is not just a mere believe and say "I believe in the presence of the hereafter." Sure not that easy. We also believe the Qadha' and Qadar with the real believe, not just verbally say it. And that is why we are called the believers because we believe those things that other people don't.

When something happens regardless its benefit or harm, it happens for a reason. The planets don't just simply move in their orbits without controlled by a power above them. We never believe that a book can be wrtitten by itself, so do the planets. We are believers that believe the truth without merely inherit it from our ancestors. We believe because the truth is only believed by wise people. We are the people.

Abu Bakar As-Siddiq, Umar Al-Khattab, Amr Al-'Ash, Khalid Al-Walid. They are wise people. They are somebody and hold good positions in their clans. The deen is not for the weak, it is for the best people. We should never feel scared or ashamed to offer this deen to the highest people in a group. If he denies it then he is not worth for that position for he is not wise enough.

We are strong for we are believers.

نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام


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