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To Learn Is More Important Than Being Perfect

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

At the end of the day, what helps us the most is what we learn, not the result. In fact, mistake usually plays a better teacher than being correct all the time. Just read the stories of great people. Most of them, all of them, actually did mistakes much more than we do before becoming what they are today. What determines a legend is what happens post-mistakes.

Few days back, we had a group assignment presentation. Sadly, we did something not related to the title given, early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). What we did instead was typical diagnosis of POAG. I might be the one first to be blamed, as the role of referring the doctor, Dr Ahmed El Sawy, was on my shoulder but I did not do it well enough.

The head of department of department 12 of Ophthalmology, Dr Khalid seemed to not accepting our presentation. He even asked our presenter to stop if the presentation did not corresponding to the title. Things happened and life goes on.

The doctors have my full respect! They have taught us to be precise in understanding and delivering informations, and to always refer to professional, doctor it is, before reaching a definite conclusion. Internet is not the ultimate teacher when you have great doctors just before you.

Ophthalmology lecture is over. End round exam is 4 days ahead. I really love this subject, the professors, doctors, nurses, patients, and everything in it. See you again El-Ramad!

A qoute from Dr Ahmed Abdullah keeps dancing in my head, "To learn is more important than being perfect".

Please pray for us for the upcoming exam. Thank you.


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