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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A very dangerous yet prevalence disease in social media which is generalization. Taking from a single doubtful source is not the way to judge someone. It must be otherwise taken from different trusted sources. The most untrusted source is something originated from an opposition of a party about the opposed party. Do not always trust what is told about UMNO from PAS and vice versa.

In this case, judging people, we need to be very particular. Have a sound mind away from any inclination to a particular party. It is almost impossible actually to have nil inclination, but it needs to be controlled as to not being bias and to be rational enough. That is what a truth seeker does. No matter from where it comes, truth is always truth.

A good way of delivering facts is perfectly shown in Al-Quran. When it named a group with a particular name, it did so by limiting people included in the group so as to not putting someone in the group he or she does not belong to, even in describing disbelivers or hypocrites. It taught us to be fair to everyone regardless his or her side.

We should think by ourselves. If it seems vague, refer trusted sources. World is surely much better when it is cured from this disease.


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