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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Childhood memory always becomes very nostalgic and amusing each time it crosses my mind. Living as budak kampung was a very missing moment. Without getting busy with social media made friends and neighbourhood important and significant. Weekend was the most awaited time to play and do silly things. Ah.. what a memory.

I miss my childhood friends. We spent a lot of time together. The budak kampung generation in this village is no more present. Many new family migrating to this village, cutting trees, burrying lombong, building new houses. Our playground are no longer exist. The new generation's relationship is not like us before. They do not even know who live next to their houses. Everybody settles in the house, busy with facebook and whatsapp. Surau is only filled with above-50's generation. A very sad yet real fact.

What makes me sadder is that when I meet my childhood friends, besides calling me ustaz, they have been different. We had so much fun walking to masjid and reading Al-Quran together at night after playing in the evening. But now, sadly we cannot do the same. I am very glad to hear if they take good care of their prayers, at least. I have been fun getting the sound understanding of Islam and my very first friends are getting away from it. 

I always hope and pray that we are able to do good things together again. Allah bless us.


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