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Planning For Future

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Today I met officers from my sponsor, JPA. There were two of them, En Zikril and En Sharif. I was the first to enter the room. How excited I was. Actually I went early because my friend asked me to help him settle about food for the meeting. We talked a lot especially about future planning. En Zikril said that our future job as a doctor is uncertain. Anything might happen as number of medical graduates is increasing every year. We have to super struggle from now.

One of us asked how if we don't pass the post-graduate interview for the housemanship. En Zikril answered that we have to apply for another interview but also there is still a chance for not getting a job as a doctor even you have graduated as a medical bachelor. So cool huh? Everybody frowned and started to think of what will happen in the future. Some of us may have regretted choosing medicine. Lulz. Then they continued asking any other occasions that might happen. Ah great. They have created many other bad possibilities. This made me feel more like a jerk.

I was thinking that kind of questions were likely made they feel less confident. They scared of not getting work after graduated. The competition is getting heavier and we are still in the same pace. How does that beneficial to us? We already knew about this and we can't do anything about it. It is out of our circle of influence. Stop complaining and worrying, start bulding and influencing what we can.

I asked my murabbi once how can I contribute to DnT as a doctor. He said that doctors can't do much in hospitals. Either we like or not, we have to face the society directly. He was trying to say that hospitals is not an ideal place to do DnT in this current situation. So he suggested me to build a private hospital and use it maximally rather than working in a time-set government hospital. Hmm. Somehow I accepted what he said but also not satisfied in some matters. 

After a long-time thinking I concluded that I have no clear future planning. I don't know what specialist should I pursue and what can I do practically to give a maximal contribution to society. Of course giving contributions is not just being a nice doctor, everyone can do that.

Start planning from now. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. World is moving faster than you think and it keeps getting faster. Take a Ferrari instead of Proton. It is expensive but worth.



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