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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I do not know why. The word 'change' for Malays, is actually quite new in their(our) vocabularies. Since the independence, Malays are more or less the same particularly in the way of thinking. We have not evolved much, loving to remain in the comfort state we are currently in.

Unlike Chinese and Indians, they are more versatile and willing to make a change. In politics, for example, MCA and MIC were the most popular parties for Chinese and Indians during the early years after the independence. As time passes, corruption after corruption, lies after lies, they move to another parties as in DAP and GERAKAN. As for Malays, UMNO is always the choice. The ones who voted for UMNO before are the one who are going to do the same today. The same goes to PAS. The voters are the same persons. After the parents pass away, the children will continue the culture.

Knowing the fact that politics is not white and black, what is right today may be wrong tomorrow, today's enemy can be tomorrow's friend, change is inevitable. I do not want to point which party is the best as it is everyone's right to choose. What bothers me is the willingness of our people to get out from the comfort zone when necessary. We love to look at the past history to unaccurately justify what is apparently wrong today. UMNO was the one who brought merdeka to Malaysia, we must appreciate them by always giving votes to them despite what happen. PAS is the first islamic party in Malaysia, every true muslim must always choose PAS.

In discussion of fiqh, one can only follow Al-Imam As-Syafie. Who follows other Imam will be labelled as Wahabi. If you do not recite qunut during Fajr prayer, everybody will suspiciously stare at you. Praying after accidentally touch an opposite gender without redo an ablution is unacceptable. Ironically, in discussion of aqidah, we give more space to be different, in which we should be more strict.

In Egypt, Malays are living in their small community. We do not really mix with Egyptians. We build our own apartments, mosques and groceries. We only join one student association despite having dozens of associations.

This pattern of thought, unfortunately, delays our development. We are having fun in a small world that we create having thought that we are doing good while people around us do not even feel our presence.

If I were to be a politician, which I used to dream of, one of the very first intervention I would make in our education is to get rid of this mentality.

Qouting from a senior politician, "In politics, person or party is not important, what more important is the objective," I completely agree with this politically wise statement. If we do not move and make changes, we will surely be left behind.


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