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Reality And Fantasy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

What is seen or read is not always the reality. The standard given for anything is usually higher than what majority can achieve. Having medicine as an example, theoretical fact in medical books are not 100 percent found in real life or clinical practice. However, it is written as a standard reference. It is termed classic when it meets the standard in books. Sometimes slight variability might be encountered and accepted.

When it comes to applying tarbiyah or islah in our own locality, the ideal standard may not be met. To have a good team is not always the case. To be in a good giving-advise-to-each-other environment is also not always available. At last, the real situation is only known by the locals. 

For that reason, everyone should thoroughly understand the particular situation they are living in so as not to be influenced by the achievement of other localities which seems much better than us. Problem arises when we tend to literally follow what our colleagues do without knowing the very reason behind it. At the end of the day, what is done is premature and being out of context.

At the level of individual, everyone is having different struggles. One may see one's struggle as being easy, but deep inside, no one knows. Only the person himself knows how much struggle he has to go through. Focus on our own struggles and help others going through their struggles. Maybe the one we lightly look at goes to the Jannah first. Do not feel our struggle is the only honorable struggle.

Ramadhan Kareem, Allahu Akram!


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