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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Do not estimate the power of focus. A person can only be extraordinarily success when focus is there. Focus in not just a particular time, study for example, but focus as the worldview of life. In life, focus is a need, not a choice. Doing too many things in a time makes none of the single things becomes a revolutionary finding.

If we take a close look on the history of Renaissane, the starting point of the success of West world was after the French Revolution in 1789. What happened from that moment was people started to focus on what they were doing. Prior revolution life was restricted by the church. People could not do as they liked and everything just became stagnant. Post revolution revealed an ultimate liberty for the western people and they started to focus their thoughts on physics, economy and politics without being distracted by the church.

The very fundamental of our Ad-Deen is the syahadah لا إله إلا الله. Just look at the first thing before declaring Allah is the God. We exclude all other insignificant stuffs bothering our life. Then we can completely subject the entire life to Him. That is how things should be.

University. Why must we go to university to have a degree? Why don't we just study anywhere without bordered by time and particular syllabus? The answer is focus. You can't be a doctor if you study engineering and economy at the same time. You will lose focus and eventually none of the studies will give a fruitfull result. There must be a particular course in a particular university at a particular time.

I always wonder why couldn't the companions do da'wa and live in luxury. Mus'ab b Umair for example. Now I know the answer is to be focus. Doing da'wa with so many distractions from all the luxury would make him not doing anything.

Living in 21st century, so many insignificant things running out there. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, movies, games and the number is increasing. All of those things keep distracting us from the main actual goal. If we do not cease all those distractions immediately, we never can go far.

Do not estimate the power of focus. It does matter.

من حسن إسلام المرء تركه ما لا يعنيه


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