بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
4 days left before the written end round exam of Forensic and Toxicology. Yeah, it is just an end round by the way. Chapters included are less than half of the curriculum. That was my first thought on the end round exam. But then after counting all the marks, it actually covers quarter of the total marks, a quite huge amount. Fortunately forensic is quite interesting. Toxicology.... it would be more interesting if seen practically. I asked once the doctor during a lab session about the procedure to do gastric lavage with cuffed endotracheal tube. Her answer made me feel down adding my not-interested feeling on toxicology. Haha. "You don't have to know this, just go to ER."
One more thing about forensic, I still don't understand why I have to study the gun powder and seeds in (quite) details. It was fun by the way but I don't see the crucial needs for that. Ahh, just study and sit for the exam. You will use it one day. Yes, one day. Just be optimistic. Or at least it gives you some new informations and topics to discuss about. Err, who likes to discuss about seeds?
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