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Misfortune Of Being Shortest Guy Among Siblings

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

One day in a car, Mama told everyone that we are going to balik kampung to Terengganu soon. Unfortunately, the Proton Saga was too small for 3 guys(me, my big brother and a little brother) to seat at the back in a long-distance journey. Since all of us have grown up, it would be very lenguh sitting at the back for at least 6 hours. Everybody started to think the solution of this problem.

Abah then gave a suggestion, "One of you guys should go with Kak Long. She is going to Terengganu on the same day as we do."

Mama added, "Ah yes. Someone has to go with Kak Long, he can also play with Zhariff."

Another question raised. Who is going to be the one goes with Kak Long?

After a discussion, a decision agreed. Since I was the shortest among us, I was the one chosen. I will always blame my little brother for being taller than me, he shouldn't!


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