بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
First question today, "Describe the gross and microscopic features of emphysema"
I took my pen, opened the answer book and jotted down the answer happily. But then when it came to the microscopic picture, everything went blank.
"Wait a minute, I think I just remembered this thing..."
After the exam finished, I asked a girl beside me, "Syidah, ape microscopic picture emphysema?"
She made a weird face, "arteries are compressed, walls are thinned...". I know the face showed the question was so easy that I shouldn't forget.
How could I forget the damn easy answer. I expected respiratory system would be easy.
Anyway it is over. Thanks to our dean, Prof Hussein for visiting us today despite of his busy schedule. I knew it because he went into the exam hall with a phone in his hand.
I am not gonna forget this microscopic picture of emphysema. Several papers ahead. All is well.
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