بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Once upon a time, there was a guy in Egypt working at a bakery. One day, early in the morning he ate a long feeno, a regular bread eaten by Egyptians. While he was eating, he got a phone call from his wife. She told him that their daughter was missing. The guy became worried and tried to think about how to search his daughter. Moreover, he just gave his daughter an expensive hand watch branded Seiko.
Then he called his brother which was the uncle of her daughter to ask for help. After a while, fortunately, his daughter with her hand watch came to the bakery. He was so happy and hugged her lovingly.
The end.
Moral of the story:
1. The long feeno represents long acting barbiturates -----> Phenobarbitone
2. Daughter in Arabic means bintu. As his daughter was a small and short girl, she represents short acting barbiturates ----> Pentobarbitone. Also not to forget that she was wearing a watch branded Seiko in which we can have another short acting barbiturates ----> Secobarbitone
3. As regarding the uncle as a 'middle man' in searching his daughter, uncle is called ammu in Arabic. Simply we can get intermediate acting barbiturates ----> Amobarbitone
Dr Hesham is a funny guy. Heh. He knows greatly how to attract people's attention. Thanks Dr.
Nice story, good job writer!