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Showing posts from 2018

Milestones in Life

We all have milestones in life. From the moment we got out of our mothers' womb, we already had out first milestone, which is moving from womb to world. From that moment onwards, we start crying, sitting, crawling, walking, running and speaking. Then, entering school, college and the list goes on. These milestones actually help us focus and play a role as a motivation for us to reach them. If none of these milestones existed, life would be dull and nonexiciting as we had nothing to look for in short time. However, they are not the end of the story. Instead, just footsteps to reach the final goal. For me as a muslim, my final goal is the hereafter. All of the things I might encounter in this world are not the ultimate goal. "Know that that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion.." (Al-Hadid:20). Knowing this fact is extremely important as to make us realise where to put things on its place accordingly. Believe me, those milestones will keep changing ...

New Theme

This new theme seems more relaxing and more reader friendly. The background is clear, the words are bigger and the whole page is less crowded. Although it is obvious that this blog has near to zero reader, there is always this one loyal reader which is me! I write to read, to improve my writing skills and to learn how to convey message. If people visit this site, it is a bonus for me. Okay, let's continue writing for money pulak.


Let’s enjoy the moment before new responsibily comes. Let’s enjoy the time with parents and family before having a new family. Let’s make as much preparation possible before the time comes. Let’s save money before having more economic burden. Let’s read many books. Let’s pray for a better tomorrow. And, let’s enjoy the feeling of waiting for the day.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Humans tend to appreciate something when it is hard to get, or when they know they will lose it soon, or they have already lost it. It is the nature of being humans. Based on the fact, please appreciate what you already have. Learn to know how lucky you are being in your current position. There are just so many things to be thanked for. The media may say that you are insufficient but the fact is the opposite. You are just perfect as you are. A defect or two make you so special that nobody can be equal as you. When you wish for something good but it is hard to get, please know that it is a part of the process to make you appreciate it more once you get it. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.

Returning Home

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم When you just got back from overseas, many reports need to be done to: 1. JPA 2. SPA 3. MMC 4. KKM 5. Ikram kawasan Let’s serve the country, people and everything in it!