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Showing posts from October, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Idea comes and goes. It may come at an unexpected time like in a toilet, during prayer, eating or sometimes when reading other's Whatsapp status. In fact, most great ideas, in my personal experience at least, get into mind during these unexpected trivial events. When I tried hard to find an idea, it would not come. When you get the idea, swiftly find a pen and a paper to write it down. If not today, it would be useful on one fine day. Don't belittle any idea no matter how silly it may look. It may seem to be silly to others because it is beyond average intelligence. Who knows. Express your ideas. Don't be afraid to explore your mind.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Reading is the message of the very first revelation. اِقْرَأْ First usually indicates an important message. Reading adds knowledge, opens mind, improves understanding, so does it build wisdom. Depending on situation, it can be a joy or a dull. When reading because of living, it is a joy. It can be a dull when it is just for an exam. The difference is apparent. The latter reason is stressful, hoping for a quick ending. At the end of the day, exam is inevitable as a part of academic life. Every success man has to go through it before having any achievement.  Suffer and pain. If not now, it will come later.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم It is already 12.00 am and my eyes are still widely open. Too many thoughts running in mind. Exam, family, life, future. There is a say that when the reality is greater than the dream, one could never close his eyes.  But right now, the reality is, the dream is better.