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Showing posts from May, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ramadhan never fails to give me something. This year's Ramadhan, particularly, is very special as it would be the last in Egypt. Ramadhan in this blessed land has given me a new dimention of going through the holy month. It taught me how to appreciate this month when it is describe as the month of Al-Quran as it really is.  The best moment is the night. First of all because we can eat and drink, so that you have more energy. Second is the prayers. In this month only we can have the worldview of Al-Quran as we go through the whole book as imam would recite every night. This is truly a blessing from Allah. Isolation and tears. Those are the themes for this Ramadhan. اللهم بارك لنا فى هذا الشهر العظيم

The Conflict Between Truth And Falsehood

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Last time, we had an interesting discussion during usrah at one of our members' apartment in Hayyu Thamin. The discussion circulated around truth and falsehood, and the conflict that happens in between them. This is a very common issue presenting in the society, particularly among Muslim in Malaysia, also including other Muslim all around the world. The current world we are living in is not painted as white and black. There is so many grey zone in between. Looking at religious texts as white and black is a kind of dangerous approach, as one could easily put labels on different groups or people. The distinction is not between believers and non-believers. That is quite apparent, but when it comes to different groups among Muslims, dubiety starts to knock the door. Which group is the truest, or nearest to the truth? We have no one to give final word or to decide which of them is the best. Unlike during the era of prophet, it was obvious that whoever...