بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم New semester is going to start in two weeks. It is my final year of medical school in foreign land. To express the feeling, it is a mixture of happy and grief. Happy for being a step closer before having an MBBCh, grief for leaving this land soon. Having a glance at what has happened through these five years, it gives me so much memories, good and bad. The plan I sketched during my first year currently makes me astonished for I was being too ambitious. Yeah, you know first year is the time where everything seems possible to achieve. Now, it is final year. Too much things to do, too less time left. That is where the dilemma comes. Where do I need to focus on? If everyhing is done, nothing will be achieved. The fact that this might be the last chance for me being in a foreign land, I cannot waste my time doing things that will not add to my take home supply before going back for good. Finishing job is much harder than starting it.
" Be grateful on what you have "