بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Today marks the officially last day of class for fifth year students of Kasr El-Ainy Medical School. This day also marks a friendly heat wave of 44 ° C. As pevious years, this kind of temperature is one of the probable signs of the awaited Ramadhan. What is left is the last phase of fifth year, the ultimate final exam. With two quite big clinical subjects, Pediatrics and Obstetric & Gynecology, it surely gives different challenge. Despite having so many new complicated things to learn, this year is the most amusing year throughout my years in medical school. Having real clinical exposure really gives the actual pictures of the diseases present in books. Plus, the most exciting part is to deal with patients as in history taking and physical examination to reach diagnosis. Please pray for me, my friends and people out there. This may be the last, but not the least.
" Be grateful on what you have "